General Booking:

General booking for the Southern Cathedrals Festival 2025 is not yet open. Please check back soon for further details.


Booking for Patron's:

Patrons of the Southern Cathedrals Festival enjoy exclusive priority booking before general sales open.

Patron booking is now open. Tickets can be purchased by the following means:


By phone:

Call the Salisbury Cathedral Booking Office at 01722 656 555 Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday weekly from 11:00-15:00. You can also e-mail Please let us know when booking that you are a patron.



For unreserved events, use the generic booking link:

There are three concerts with reserved seating, please visit the following seperate links below:

For all Patron enquiries, new or existing, please contact Matt Geer, Executive Producer of SCF, at

Information on being or becoming a Patron.

Download the Registration Form

Matt Geer,
SCF Executive Producer,
Cathedral Office,
9, The Close,
Winchester, Hampshire,
SO23 9LS